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How to guide a guest user to enter a special guest area ?

So far, I just learned that I can for example
assign a directory to a special user
so that after login, the user can see the files in the directory in the "index browser".
But my audioence are not wiki users, but normal Internet users.

So if I send them an email with the username+passwort for the guest area,
I would like to have them enter the username+password in a manner, that they are THEN on one of the pages in the special guest directory.
So that they must not click on an index, to find the guest pages.

One option would be to transfer username+password for Mediawiki by command line. Did anybody implement such ?
One other option is, that the user loads a page, with the info what he/she shall enter at the Mediawiki login prompt ( if possible on the same page).Did anybody implement such ?

Any idea how to proceed ?



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MediaWiki is not really designed for access control schemes were certain users can see pages that other users are unable to see, but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Lockdown facilitates that method of operation. This would allow you to lock down certain wiki pages (such as every page in a particular namespace) so that only people with the correct group can read them. Then you simply add that group to the wiki accounts for the people that should have access, and when they log in they can view the pages.

If you are referring to a solution outside of MediaWiki (not having restricted-access wiki pages), then I fail to see how this relates to MediaWiki at all.

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Yes, the https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Auth_remoteuser extension lets you automatically authenticate people to the wiki given arbitrary external credentials. How exactly to set it up will vary based on the authentication provider (what actually validates that the usernames/passwords are valid, when using this extension you're bypassing the normal MediaWiki login flow so your user account password on the wiki will not be checked). For sending a credential through a link, you would need some sort of processing server-side to extract the credential, validate it, and then set the appropriate AUTH_REMOTEUSER environment variable context. I don't believe anything currently exists for this but if you aren't too concerned about the security of the credentials it'd be easy enough to do entirely via mod_rewrite

Edited by Skizzerz
clarify (see edit history)
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